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May 2019
Maria Elena gets awarded a multi-PI PRIN grant from the MIUR (Italy)
August 2019
Lily defends her PhD thesis and moves to Genentech in Casper Hoogenraad's lab
November 2019
Francesca becomes Fulbright Specialist 
February 2020
Julie gets awarded with a 3 year grant from the Alzheimer's Association
April 2020
Julie gets awarded with a Fellowship from the Italian Academy at Columbia University
September 2020
Francesca is a visiting professor at the First University of Rome "La Sapienza"
November 2020
Francesca is promoted Associate Professor at Columbia University
January 2021
Maria Elena's paper is published in PNAS 
February 2021
Maria Elena's paper is featured at CUIMC and the University of Naples Federico II
July 2021
The Lab has moved to the 14th floor! We are now located in P&S 14-460

Sept 2021
Francesca is a Fulbright Specialist Awardee at Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia in Rome on an educational project in collaboration with Giancarlo Ruocco and Silvia Di Angelantonio

Feb 2022
Lily and Julie's paper in Brain is featured at CUIMC
and TAUB news

March 2022
Francesca gets tenure at Columbia University in the City of New York

August 2022
Julie's is awarded an LRP grant from NIH

Sept 2022
Francesca is a visiting professor at her Alma Mater Sapienza University in Rome hosted by Lucia Di Marcotullio
October 2022
Lily and Julie's paper in Front. Cell Dev. Biol. is featured at TAUB news
February 2023
Caterina's paper in Cell Reports is featured at CUIMC and TAUB news
April 2023
Francesca is a visiting scholar at Reid Hall in Paris, one of Columbia Global Centers
July 2024
Francesca is a recipient of a Velocity Award 2024
from the HICCC at Columbia University
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